Fair Business Office Hours
In order to reduce expenses outside of the annual Fair and our winter events, effective February 10th 2025 our hours will be limited. We are here to help in person, by phone, or even an email Wednesday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Missed us? Leave a message and we'll get back to you right away!
Humboldt County Fair Association
1250 Fifth Street
Ferndale, CA 95536
(707) 786-9511
Office Hours
Wednesday to Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Livestock Auction Scholarship
Apply now for the Livestock Auction Scholarship, graduating seniors qualify! Click Here
2025 Fair Updates
We have official dates! Visit our "Annual Humboldt County Fair" page for changes or news for this year's Fair. You can also Click Here to jump there right away.
Vendor Applications are available here! We can't wait to see you this year on the Midway or in Belotti Hall!
Click here to see all the updates for how the Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) is going to be affecting our Fair this year.
What's Happening Down at the Fairgrounds...
Events and Facilities Rentals
In the off-season, we open up the Fairgrounds to accommodate local groups, individuals, and businesses so that events can be hosted in a central and well-known location. We are happy to try to include as many groups and community events as possible so don't hesitate to reach out to our Fair Business Office staff with any questions you may have.
For more information, Click Here or go to the "Events and Facilities Rentals" link on the menu bar.
Boat and RV Storage
We currently have boat and RV storage available! This is a monthly charge open from October 1st to May 31st. If you're interested in the storage we have available, fill out our Vehicle Storage Form and give us a call at the Fair Business Office. Spacing is limited now so please call before dropping off your rig!
Prices are based on vehicle size:
These rates may change annually as reviewed by our Board of Directors.
Horse Stall Rentals
We are accepting stall rentals! This is a monthly charge open from October 1st to May 31st. If you're interested in the stalls we offer in either the Quad or the Arena, fill out our form Horse Stalling Form and give us a call at the Fair Business Office. Included in your monthly stalling agreement is access to our riding arena, a full monthly pass! Receive your personal PIN code in the Fair Business Office upon completing all the paperwork and payment. We can't wait to see you!
Prices are based on location and rental type:
These rates may change annually as reviewed by our Board of Directors.
Arena Riding Passes
We offer riding passes by daily schedule and on a monthly pass! The arena now offers security cameras as well and PIN code locks that are different for each individual. Please stop by the Fair Business Office to complete the required documentation as well as receive your own PIN code. We will be offering online forms for this as soon as we are able, stay tuned!
We are Recruiting for our Board of Directors!
The Humboldt County Fair Association is seeking members of the community interested in serving on our Board of Directors who are excited about volunteering their time and expertise towards the execution and betterment of Humboldt County Fair Association activities. You can send Letters of Interest to our CEO at ceo@humboldtcountyfair.org or mail your CV to us at:
Humboldt County Fair Association
Attn: Moira Kenny
1250 Fifth Street
Ferndale, CA 95536
Join us as a Sponsor for the 2025 Annual Humboldt County Fair!
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of any level for the 2025 Humboldt County Fair,
please reach out to our Office Manager at officemanager@humboldtcountyfair.org